Your Veneers Can Last Longer With Help from Our Cosmetic Dentistry Office

Cosmetic DentistryBy visiting our cosmetic dentistry office, you can improve the appearance of your teeth with dental veneers and crowns.  We can also help you to keep them in good condition so that your smile will look amazing for years to come. If you have damaged your tooth by cracking or chipping it, you need to have it restored.  Some people think their tooth will need to be pulled, but this is rare. Typically, a restorative solution will be enough to strengthen your teeth.  The key is to work with a cosmetic dentist that can make the restoration look natural.In order to do so, we start by examining your teeth and gums to determine which solution you need then we take an impression of your mouth so that the veneers or crowns can be created in a dental lab.  This is an important part of the process and impacts whether or not the restoration will look natural. Attention has to be paid to every detail to ensure that they feel great and look natural.Before they can be placed, we have to prepare your tooth by removing a portion of the enamel.  Afterwards, we will place a temporary veneer or crown onto your tooth in order to protect it while waiting for a permanent one to be completed.  Once it is, we will bond it to your tooth in order to complete the restoration and give you a beautiful smile again.  When the process is complete, you will be able to eat your favorite foods and smile with confidence.  In our cosmetic dentistry office, we can help them to look amazing for years to come.There are certain things that you can do in order to help your veneers and crowns to last longer.  Some people make the mistake of thinking that if they have veneers they don’t have to worry about their teeth.  This is simply not the case.  They are an excellent restorative solution and can transform the appearance of your teeth, but they are placed on the top of existing teeth. That means that if your tooth becomes infected or you get gum disease, your veneers will suffer as a result.  You have to keep your teeth and gums in good condition if you want to keep your veneers in good condition.  This requires brushing and flossing throughout the day and scheduling regular trips to our dentist office.It is also important that you don’t grind your teeth at night.  If you do, the pressure can cause your veneer to chip or break.  We recommend wearing a night guard in order to prevent this.  A night guard keeps your upper and lower teeth from touching so that you can’t grind or clench them.  While a simple step, it can make your veneers last much longer.  You can also protect them by wearing a mouth guard while playing sports and avoiding putting hard objects in your mouth.  To learn more, visit our cosmetic dentistry office.

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